Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back to work

Well I had great intentions and have one entry in draft!  What can I say?  No snow so that I wasn't stuck at home with lots of time to read!

Monday was a terrible shock to the system-I went home and started checking out retirement options.  I thought this job is too much WORK!  What sane person chooses in the last couple of years of teaching after four years as a consultant  to take on a grade six seven split in a new school?  One new student and 27 others not quite ready to settle down to work greeted me.  By the afternoon I had a headache and a desire for a nap.  The final straw was when I found gum on the rug (that had been cleaned over the holidays).  Thank goodness I had to go home at 3:15 to deal with my furnace.

Eventually  I calmed myself down and realized that it would be difficult to retire before June.  Then I started thinking about grade seven Social Studies and reassured myself that I really do like building units and after several hours of marking, started researching life in Mesopotamia...

Tuesday was a much better day. The fact that two of my colleagues took me out for lunch (the first time in four months I have gone out) probably helped, and the kids and I were all readjusting more positively  to life back in the classroom.  Today, the troops have really settled, it was a half day (though I was there until after three and that included a basketball practice)  and life is kind of sweet.  I think I can make it until June at least and I found myself talking today about next year.  And I just e-mailed a former student, now a teacher, that she can come observe

I think it is so important to feel a sense of community in a school.  Imagine if I feel overwhelmed after all my years of teaching!  My heart really goes out to young teachers.  I again feel lucky to have people who listen and laugh and understand and hope I  remember to do that for others when they need it.  Happy New Year!

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